Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Put yourself in Huck Finns' shoes after his father came back after he heard that Huck Finn had money. What would you do?

"Gimme your money. Now"
"No. You haven't been here for fifteen years of my life."
"How old are you now?"
"Oh. "
Okay, now imagine if this was your situation. You're a sixteen year old, you just got a car, and you have a good amount of money. Okay, now imagine your "father," who's never been in your life, but now wants to be in it because you have money, comes back. Now if this was me and my situation, I'd do two major things. First off, I'd tell him, he's not my father. Second, I would probably just call the cops to get him arrested for harassment, or stalking, because you sure not coming into my house after fifteen years, looking for some cash. 

"Gimme your money. Now."
Okay this is how my conversation would go with him. 
(Clears throat, with attitude)
"You haven't been in my life for fifteen years, now..."
"I'm sorry, I wanna..."
"No, shut up. I'm talking. You haven't been there for fifteen years. You never were there. You never cared. Now because I have all this stuff, you try to come back, into my life? It's 2008, not 1993. I don't want you in my life, (Daughter starts to cry) you never wanted me before all this happened. Stop being a gold digger. I didn't like you before, and now I hate you more. (Pointing at the door, look frustrated and mad) Leave. 
"Now why do I need to leave?"

"If you don't get out of my house, right now, I'll call the cops."
(The father grabs the daughter, manhandling) 
"Get off of me, and leave."
"I'm not leaving 'til I get my money."
"You never paid child support. Leave."
Now if this was my situation, and my "father" refused to relocate, I'd call the police, scream over the phone, and tell them my location. I'd call the cops to place a harassment report, and report him. I would make sure he left me alone. Like Malcolm X said, "By any means necessary."

Bottom line is, if you someone is abusing you, mentally or physically, get out of the situation. If someone is always drunk, is trying to kill you, and   is a little delusional, do something about it. Take some action. Huck Finns' father better be lucky I wasn't there, I would have told him off first, then called the police. It's up to you to choose your actions. Just don't do something you'll regret later in life.