Thursday, October 30, 2008

10 on the line questioms

1Q. What happened after Richard Wright came home the first time?
1A. Richard's mother sent him out again with another note and money.

2Q. Who was it that gave Richard, the "confidence" to stand up for himself?
2A. It was his mother. 

3Q. make a three column note chart. Be sure to include characters, setting, conflict, climax, conclusion, and resolution. 
3A. Characters: 
Richard Wright, His mother, The Gang - "I'm going to teach you this night to...." the mother
mom's house, city street - that night I won the rights to the streets of Memphis. 
Richard vs. Gang, Richard vs. mother, Gang vs. each other, The Streets vs. Richard, Richard vs. Nature. (Nature is The Concrete Jungle) - "...the mom slapped him across the face."
 When the mom gave him a stick and told him to go and fight. - "Take this money, this note, and this stick. Don't come back without the groceries." (The Mom)
He earned his respect of the gang. - "That night I won the rights to the streets of Memphis." (Richard)
Stand up for yourself. Also don't let society distinguish you, or who you are. 

4Q. What is Richard's last name?
4A. Wright. Richard's last name is Wright. 

5Q.On what try did Richard finally get the groceries?
5A. It was the third try, when Richard finally got the groceries.

6Q. What was the main setting of "Black Boy?"
6A. The main setting of "Black Boy" was the streets of Memphis. 

7Q. Where did the gang members run to after the beating?
7A. The gang members ran to their houses after the beating that Richard delivered.

8Q. What did Richard do after he beat the gang members?
8A. Richard got the groceries from the store after beating up the gang members. 

9Q. What does the mother say the third time before sending Richard out again?
9A. The mother said, "Take this note, this money, and this stick. Don't come back until you have the groceries."

10Q. Who was the main character in this story?
10A. Richard was the key/main character in this story. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What makes a broken America?

"No it doesn't." "Yes, It does." "Since we obviously can't agree, let's ask the reader." "What do you think makes a broken America?" In my opinion if one wants a broken America, have a lot of violence, place a great amount of bad neighborhoods, and finally throw in some messed up families. 

Violence is a huge problem in America. The homocide rate has made an increase for the worse. Gangs have made a great impact on the youth of our generations. For instance, The Crips, and The Bloods. In the story Richard said, "I'll kill you."

In addition to the violence, throw in some shitty neighborhoods. There has to be some ignorance in education. Throw in some decrepit buildings and some crack houses. Also, what the hey, how about a dumb, useless leader.?

Lastly, one can't have a messed up America, without some messed up families. Okay, one must add in at most one parent. Richard only had his mother, his father left. Due to the fact that it was only him and his mother, he kept thinking "...Now I have to be the man of the house."

Now that you have read my opinion of what makes a broken America, and my reasons, think about this: Do you in any way, shape, or form contribute to or relate to these ideas? If so cool, if not, cool. But hey, if you don't like my paper, write your own.

The Setting Of "Thank You M'am"

Please grade me on vocabulary, and transitions.  

Did you ever live in Harlem, in the city, or in a crowded apartment? In Thank You M'am by Langston Huges, that's where this unpredictable story takes place. 

First off, this story takes place in a crazy city named, Harlem. This story took place around the 1930's-1950's. that's the time jazz was becoming very popular. it was also a very hard time to make a dollar. 

Next, living in the city can be very crazy. I know that because for me, the city in the story reminded me of where I live, in Philadelphia. a lot of things can happen in the city. You could either run into the right person, or the wrong person. So always watch your back. 

Or maybe the city's not your thing, you'd prefer a smaller place to reside. In the story Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones, lives in a very overcrowded apartment. There are five plus families on the same floor. You can hear everyone, and everything that's going on in the next room.

No matter where you are living, there are always two types of people, leaders and followers. Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones was a leader by taking in the boy Roger and making a difference in his life. So be the leader, or as Ghandi said, "Be the difference you wish to see in the world."

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The First Annotation

The Integration Of Baseball
Simon, Scott. Jackie Robinson: The Integration Of Baseball. New Jersey: John Waley & Son, Inc. 2002

In this book it explains that legacy and what he left behind for all America to remember. He integrated America's pastime. He had enough courage to stand up for his rights in baseball. He risked his life so that those who came after him like, Manny Ramirez, David "Big Papi" Ortiz, ans many more. 

Friday, October 17, 2008

NHD 2009

I choose Jackie Robinson for my NHD Project because I am interested in sports and his legacy. 
This person is important to history because without his efforts, we would not have players in the major leagues such as, Jimmy Rollins, Ryan Howard, Manny Ramirez, David "Big Papi" Ortiz, Jared Williams, Emmanuel "Manny" Burris, and Barry Bonds. Just to name a few. 

For this week's research, I found information at the following:
for images of African-American players in MLB now
The Official Site Of Jackie Robinson