Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Q & A

1Q: Is it true or false that Bigger killed Mary Dalton?

1A: It is true that Bigger Thomas killed Mary Dalton. He killed her, most likely because she had treated him like he was equal to the white people in that time. And he did not know how to handle it all.

 Can you write in your own words what Bigger did when he killed Mary?

 Bigger Thomas killed Mary Dalton by suffocating her. He did this to keep her quiet. Because he thought that she would rat him out.  

 Could this have happened in someone's real life?

 This could happen to anybody, any day. Anyone could have beef with someone else.
And then that one person would set them up, or confuse them to a certain degree.

 How was this similar to "To Kill A Mockingbird?"

 "Native Son" is very similar to "To Kill A Mockingbird." First off, Bigger Thomas is like Tom Robinson, in many ways. Bigger is being accused of rape, and Tom Robinson was being accused of rape. 

 What would happen if Mary Dalton had killed Bigger?

 If Mary Dalton was to kill Bigger Thomas, these are the two things that would happen.

I don't think people would pay that much attention to it. Only because of the fact that he was black. 

Back in the 1930's if a white person were to die they would probably see who was around at the time of the death. If a black person was there they would most likely blame them. 

In conclusion, If Mary had killed Bigger, people just would brush it off, and be like whatever.

 Is there a better solution to the killing of Mary Dalton?

 I really don't think he had to suffocate her. 
Bigger Thomas could have done a couple of things.

First of all, he could have run as soon as Mary's mother entered the room. Because she is blind she is not able to see who is in the room. So he could have softly crept out of the room.  

In conclusion, I think that Bigger Thomas just acted in the moment. 

 How would you feel if someone suffocated you?

 I wouldn't feel anything. I'd be dead....

Honestly, when you're dead you most likely do not feel anything. I mean I wouldn't know, because I've never been dead. 

In conclusion..................

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