Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My Review Of Native Son

I really liked the book, Native Son. I like Richard Wright's writing. First off , this novel caught my attention as soon as I started reading it. Secondly, this was a well written book. Lastly, Native Son kept my attention throughout the entire novel.

The book Native Son, starts out with a "demon" rat running around Bigger Thomas' house. He chases it around the house. He finally takes a skillet and kills the rat. He continues to pound it when it is evidently dead. When I looked at the chapter names, I wanted to know why they were called that. The first book is called "Fear," the second book is called "Flight," and the third book is called "Fate."

This was a well written book, because it will make the reader want to know what happens next. The book shows what life was like for African-Americans in the 1930's, living in Chicago. There's a guy named Mr. Dalton, a rich land owner, who donates 5 million dollars to the NAACP for African-American college fund. Bigger Thomas starts working for Mr. Dalton, but he won't give Bigger's family enough money for them to keep their house in order. Basically, Mr. Dalton is a hypocrite.

This piece of writing kept my attention throughout the book. I would be at the dinner table, my mom would say "Dinner time. Put the book down." I would have the book under the table, and be reading it. I kept wanting to know what would happen next. There were a lot of mystery to the book. In one part of the book, it seems like Richard Wright wants you to come up with the next part of the book.

I would say that this novel is one book that you could read over and over again, and not get bored of reading it. Also, if you go back and read it again, you'll be like "Oh I forgot about that part." It's a very good book that actually shows you what life was like in the 1930's for African-Americans.

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